Meaningful Use – PQRS – MACRA/MIPS Consulting
Over the past 10 years Jim Tate, President and Founder of EMR Advocate, Inc., has brought together a handpicked team of experts in the Health Care Technology field. That team has provided services that encompass EHR certification, software development as well as extensive education to providers in the areas of Meaningful Use, PQRS, and the MACRA/MIPS reimbursement program. From vendors to hospital systems to medical practices, the EMR Advocate Team has provided clarification, education, and strategy development to maximize reimbursement. If you need help, we are the ones to contact.
The Team at EMR Advocate:
- Authored the first step-by-step manual for Meaningful Use:The Incentive Roadmap
- Authored the first whitepaper on the MACRA/MIPS program, MIPs for the Rest of Us
- Worked with over 300 EHR vendors on their certification initiatives
- Provided expertise and leadership in over 300 Meaningful Use audits