Interoperability: The Once and Future Promise

A Missed Opportunity “Interoperability.” The word rolls off the tongue as if a wedding vow. It is the Promised Land on the other side of the river. It is the field of milk and honey where we long to be. It is where the lion and the lamb live together in perfect peace....

Clinical Decision Support and AI – The Black Box

AI in Clinical Decision Support I recently wrote a post (The Need for Transparency in Healthcare – Part 1) that detailed the “criminal acts” (not my words, they come from the Department of Justice) between a major EHR developer and a well-known Big Pharma company....

The Need for Transparency in Healthcare – Part 1

Decision Support Intervention Decision support intervention systems are designed to enhance healthcare delivery by providing evidence-based, data-driven insights and recommendations, aiming to improve patient outcomes, reduce errors, and promote efficiency in...

Six Risks of AI in Healthcare: A Short Primer

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare has been a groundbreaking advancement, offering immense potential benefits in improved diagnostics, personalized medicine, and efficient patient care management. However, as with any significant...